Dashboarding tools for automobile leasing
There are plenty of dashboarding tools available in the market that have very similar functionalities and capabilities - and price tags. Choosing the correct vendor can be a daunting task. Several factors need to be balanced and various trade-offs need to be considered. Software features, usage complexity, scalability, deployment barriers and dependencies are some of the important aspects that factor into the final decision. We are consulted by a car leasing company to find the best tool for their use case. While all the ‘out of the box’ solutions performed several of the functions this company needed, none of them satisfied all requirements. A few workshops later, we produced detailed wireframes for a solution that addressed business needs directly. After receiving buy-in from senior management and the technology team, we launched into development. The software provided an overview of all key parts of the business: acquisition, services, car maintenance and dispute resolution. Performance metrics designed by business analysts and senior management worked with a live data feed to provide mission critical information. If the user required more information, we designed data manipulation functions that the business was comfortable with. The end result was an enormous success. Rather than poring through an endless stream of dashboards trying to create a disjointed overall picture, we cut through the noise and created a front end that senior business leaders could navigate and use easily. Deployment was a simple process, and a tool optimized on the organization’s tech meant that the business could start using the new tool without enormous investment into infrastructure - or licensing fees.